Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) came up with the first astronomical model that potrayed motion. Using Copernicus heliocentric theory, he solved problems of planetary motion and came up with 3 laws of planetary motion:

  1. 1. Planets move at different speeds
  2. 2. Planets move in eclipses, not circles
  3. 3. When far from the sun, they are slow but when near to the sun they get faster

Kepler took a huge step in destroying geocentric and promoting heliocentric theory. His theories paved way for Law of Universal Gravitation (Newton) and freed people from Ptolemaic system, allowing them to think in a new way. However, like his predecessors, he could not explain the phenomena.

His work was banned by the Catholic Church while church reattempted to re-impose order and reassert power. Kepler was a religious man who credited God for all his discoveries.

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